Introducing Ann Marie Skordy

Ann Marie Skordy has spent most of her “adult” life traveling and working a series of random and unusual jobs. After graduating college, she bounced around the Caribbean, Hawaii, Japan, Guam, B.C., and Indonesia, and spent years in the cruise ship and private yacht industries. She currently resides in Florida where she eats, drinks gin and tonics with lemon, and makes merry in her own little microcosm at the water’s edge. She’s also a channel, enjoying both private and collaborative work. She began dabbling as a writer with a children’s book, Start with Your Heart. Happy Hour at The Water’s Edge is her first novel.

Published Works

Genre: Nonfiction, Body, Mind & Spirit, Channeling & Mediumship, Angels & Spirit Guides

Project Aura:
Exchanges With the Astral

Project Aura is the compilation of “conversations” occurring during 2018 between a cocktail-swilling, mindless yacht stewardess turned accidental metaphysical channel and an other-worldly guide calling herself Aura (“Ow-rah”), which becomes the precursor to the weirdest ongoing journey of her life.

This unscripted encounter chronicles a woman terrified she’s losing her mind but too addicted to the fascination to stop the carnival because somewhere deep inside, she knows that however insane it may appear to herself, the world, and all the ones in hers who matter most, the risk is worth the reward as she begins to learn what “blind” faith really looks like.

“This book is a mentor, a teacher, a confidant, a best friend, a support system and advisor—a pillar of hope, strength and love. I often just randomly open to a page and always receive what I need in that moment. This book is timeless and limitless. The same passage can provide me with a new perspective, a new understanding, and a new message over and over and over. It always manages to meet me right where I’m at and deliver exactly what I need. Magical.”
~ Tracy S.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Visionary & Metaphysical 

Happy Hour at The Water’s Edge

What appears to be is not what is…

There are plenty of kooks, spooks, and cocktails to go around in this meditation-meets-Alice in Wonderland fractured fairy tale, as an unsuspecting mindless traveler gets kicked through the door of fate…red go-go boots and all!

“Reminiscent of The Alchemist with a twist (of lemon), this book takes you on a journey filled with laughter and the most perfectly made gin and tonic as the blissfully ignorant traverses the treacherous chasm of the deep, dark, scary self-awareness. Oh my! Brilliant!” ~Dana Sardano

Happy Hour at the Water’s Edge, a powerful yet fanciful allegory, speaks to anyone who has dared to peek behind the curtain and beckons those of us who have the courage to pull it back completely. This tale of truth and trust connects with anyone who is ready to release those ties that bind and break on through to the other side.

Genre: Personal Development, Spirituality

Soul Traveler Cards of Empowerment

In collaboration with Dana Sardano

Soul Traveler Cards of Empowerment includes fifty-six cards designed with beautiful artwork created by Dana Sardano and universal guidance channeled by Ann Marie Skordy, intended to enlighten and assist the traveling soul.

When Dana and Ann Marie met, they became fast friends, intuitively knowing they had a deeper connection beyond the here and now. By combining their creative strengths, they realized on a profound level that this collaboration had something quite special and inspiring to share with the world and each other.

The beauty of these cards is that they speak directly to your soul. There is no “right way” to use them. Pick one or pick ten…let them communicate with you in YOUR way, and most importantly, trust in the messages you are receiving.