Introducing Paolo Trepiccione

Paolo Trepiccione was born in the southeast of England, in the UK. A creative and sensitive soul that was buried under the accumulated rubble of a life not being lived authentically, until a dark night of the soul broke him apart and forced him to discover what mattered to him in life. Paolo is now on a path of wanting to help others to heal from the psychic wounds they suffer from life’s tragedies. He believes that this is best achieved by having a foot planted firmly in both the physical and metaphysical worlds. Humans are dualistic beings, but too often we forget that, and seek to only pursue the healing of one of those halves at the expense of the other.

Paolo is an avid reader, boasting an eclectic taste in subject matter. He enjoys reading science-fiction, fantasy, religion, psychology, and rules manuals for games. His taste in movies and shows runs along those same lines, adding in a long-time love of Japanese anime. This has all instilled an understanding of the hero’s journey in him, and a desire to help others realize they are heroes in their own stories, able to overcome any darkness that threatens them.

The world of being an author is new to Paolo, but storytelling is far from a new medium for him. He has been telling stories since he was old enough to string them together for anyone that would listen. This evolved into creating and running numerous tabletop roleplay games across many systems and settings. Paolo has been telling heroic stories for most of his life, alone or in conjunction with others. As it is in life, so it is in his fictional worlds. Heroes overcoming adversity and coming out the other side better.

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Published Works

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Magical Realism, Hero's Journey

Forever Connected

Their lives struck by tragedy, two seemingly disparate individuals undertake separate journeys of inner healing, unaware that their worlds are not so far apart. Fantasy and reality converge in an adventure through life, loss, love, pain, and catharsis. Two heroes will question everything they thought they knew about themselves and emerge forever changed.

“Trepiccione's Forever Connected powerfully weaves together the material and the spiritual world. With heart-aching grief at its core, it stories the physical and metaphysical through imaginative, divine and lived experiences. The parallel storyings and narrative engagement with esoteric knowledge, dismantle the contemporary, modern three-dimensional world, to open up interactions with the non-human and more-than-human, showing that love and death, memory and breath are woven into our DNA and manifest in the worlds around us.  Forever Connected tells the story of alchemizing grief into gratitude while at the same time, creating a space for the reader to do the same.”
~ Brooke Collins-Gearing