I Am the

Written by Angela DiMarco
Artwork by Dana Sardano

Phenomenal Works

Inspiring Art Anthology, Biography, Empowerment, Motherhood

A Woman’s Journey by Dana Sardano

A Woman's Journey celebrates the magnificence of the woman through the vibrant artwork of Dana Sardano. Dana created A Woman's Journey for herself in February 2017 as an homage to women, her own journey, and her new life as an artist. Seven years later, after living the best years of her own woman's journey, she has chosen to expand this beautiful work to reflect her own personal expansion and share it with you. A Woman's Journey is a celebration of women-their innocence, their creativity, their motherhood, their empowerment, and their innate intuition and wisdom. Let us take a peek into artist Dana Sardano's soul and revel in the beauty of this woman's journey together.


$125.00 | £114.46

Non-Fiction, Personal Memoir, Self-Help, Personal Development, Spirituality

Beyond the Ten, Decoding the Woo Woo by Dana Sardano

Beyond the Ten, Decoding the Woo Woo, is a Part II (of sorts) to Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment for two reasons—one, Dana’s “awakening” primarily came in two parts and two, she wanted to demystify the whole concept of spirituality through her own personal experience of “awakening”. Dana is always happy to help shine the light and offer perspective through the lens of HER story, but at the end of the day, only you know what’s best for you, and if you are aware and willing and most importantly honest with yourself, listen to your inner wisdom because after all, this is YOUR life—this is YOUR story.

Dana's direct, honest and keeps it real to help you understand the terminology and meaning behind all the "New Age", "Enlightened", "Awakened" jargon. In Dana's own style...she's very relatable with stories and examples from her personal life...always with a good dose of humor and directness. Worth the read.” ~Michelle Golinski

$15.99 USD

$5.99 USD

Both are available for purchase on


Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Spiritual Awakening

Forever Connected by Paolo Trepiccione

Their lives struck by tragedy, two seemingly disparate individuals undertake separate journeys of inner healing, unaware that their worlds are not so far apart. Fantasy and reality converge in an adventure through life, loss, love, pain, and catharsis. Two heroes will question everything they thought they knew about themselves and emerge forever changed.

“The deftly woven storylines pull at the heartstrings, prompt deep contemplation, and nudge the reader towards their own personal adventure. This is a story that I will carry in my heart for the rest of my life.” ~ Kelly Ray

$27.99 | £21.92

| £17.99

Non-Fiction, Personal Memoir, Self-Help, Personal Development

Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment (Second Edition) by Dana Sardano

Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment is a loose autobiography based on Dana's dysfunctional up-bringing and how she empowered herself and came out the other side. Showcasing this how-to meets autobiographical approach to her writing style, Dana uses anecdotes from her personal experiences, shares what she's gleaned from these experiences, and offers insights on how to work through personal trauma in a step-by-step manner.

Dana’s…raw and painfully honest relatability provides a clear and methodical explanation of what makes each and every one of us tick and provides us with the tools we need to shed the ties that bind.” ~Ann Marie Skordy

Scroll down to see companion products.

$15.99 USD

Available for purchase on


Non-Fiction, Personal Memoir 

Uniquely U. Update #52: The Birth of a Bright-Eyed Entrepreneur by Angela DiMarco

Great ideas for businesses are a dime a dozen. Those who entertain those ideas bring a little more value to the table. But those that go all in and bring an idea to fruition—well, those are one in a million. Join Angela DiMarco as she bravely opens every closet and cupboard to share her open-hearted journey of starting up By sharing in its origin story, you will witness the birth of a bright-eyed, first-time entrepreneur as she fumbles, stumbles, and gets back up again to launch a new kind of company fitting for our current new kind of world.

“Angela reveals herself without inhibition…We can feel her angst and the insecurity of her inner child holding on for dear life as her warrior spirit takes over with fierce determination…a true window into the evolution of Angela’s soul and each update gives us a greater glimpse into her star power and creative genius.” ~ Dana Sardano

$15.99 USD

Available for purchase on

Nonfiction, Body, Mind, & Spirit, Channeling & Mediumship, Angels & Spirit Guides

Project Aura: Exchanges With the Astral by Ann Marie Skordy

Project Aura is the compilation of “conversations” occurring during 2018 between a cocktail-swilling, mindless yacht stewardess turned accidental metaphysical channel and an other-worldly guide calling herself Aura (“Ow-rah”), which becomes the precursor to the weirdest ongoing journey of her life. This unscripted encounter chronicles a woman terrified she’s losing her mind but too addicted to the fascination to stop the carnival because somewhere deep inside, she knows that however insane it may appear to herself, the world, and all the ones in hers who matter most, the risk is worth the reward as she begins to learn what “blind” faith really looks like.

“Ann Marie’s style is just so refreshing and unique to her, it’s hard to put into two sentences. Her playful, humorous personality delivers the beautiful messages from Aura that the world needs to hear very simply yet eloquently for all to digest.” ~ Louise M.

$18.99 USD

Available for purchase on

Science Fiction & Fantasy, Visionary & Metaphysical

Happy Hour at The Water’s Edge: What appears to be is not what is… by Ann Marie Skordy

There are plenty of kooks, spooks, and cocktails to go around in this meditation-meets-Alice in Wonderland fractured fairy tale, as an unsuspecting mindless traveler gets kicked through the door of fate…red go-go boots and all! Happy Hour at The Water’s Edge, a powerful yet fanciful allegory, speaks to anyone who has dared to peek behind the curtain and beckons those of us who have the courage to pull it back completely. This tale of truth and trust connects with anyone who is ready to release those ties that bind and break on through to the other side.

“Reminiscent of The Alchemist with a twist (of lemon), this book takes you on a journey filled with laughter and the most perfectly made gin and tonic as the blissfully ignorant traverses the treacherous chasm of the deep, dark, scary self-awareness. Oh my! Brilliant!" ~Dana Sardano

$12.99 USD

$3.99 USD

Available for purchase on

Fiction, Personal Development, Spirituality

Veda Finds Her Crown (Second Edition) by Dana Sardano

A fun and interactive experience for children and adults of all ages.It combines a relatable children’s story with an interactive workbook, giving you, the reader, an opportunity to read, process, reflect, and apply the story to your own life experience.

The magic of Veda Finds Her Crown is that it speaks to all of us—children, adolescents, and adults of all ages. It especially calls to our inner children, making them feel safe and loved and empowered, finally giving them the space to come out of hiding, rediscover their childlike spirit, and play!

A powerful personal development tool for adults, Veda Finds Her Crown allows us to reconnect with our long-lost inner children that might have gone dormant after many years of arduous adulting. Reconnecting with our true essence empowers and inspires us to rethink how we experience our lives, our relationships, and our children.

Scroll down to see companion products.

$14.99 USD

Available for purchase on

Soul Traveler Cards of Empowerment Created by Ann Marie Skordy & Dana Sardano

Soul Traveler Cards of Empowerment includes fifty-six cards designed with beautiful artwork created by Dana Sardano and universal guidance channeled by Ann Marie Skordy, intended to enlighten and assist the traveling soul. The beauty of these cards is that they speak directly to your soul. There is no right way to use them. Pick one or pick tenlet them communicate with you in YOUR way, and most importantly, trust in the messages you are receiving.

$50.80 USD

Bulk discount pricing available. Click to learn more.

Veda Finds Her Crown Companion Products:

Veda Finds Her Crown Cards for Chakra Empowerment and Personal Development by Dana Sardano

This colorful deck includes 49 chakra cards- 7 cards with information, crystals, exercises, affirmations, and activities representing and offering tips for wellness for each of the 7 chakras as well as 6 informational cards totaling 55 cards. These cards are intended to educate and inspire you to take ownership of your wellbeing by arming you with tips and tools to empower you in your life experience.

RETAIL PRICE: $25.00 USD Available for purchase on

Veda Finds Her Crown 9-Week Curriculum by Dana Sardano

Although Veda Finds Her Crown connects with children (and adults) of all ages, this curriculum is best utilized with adolescents from approximately 10 to 15 years old and can be modified to reach an even broader audience.

This 9-week curriculum emphasizes the importance of self-regulation and personal accountability so that children grow into adulthood more empowered and with healthy self-esteem. This curriculum addresses one chakra each week with the first week dedicated to the introduction of the chakras and the final week dedicated to the integration of the chakras.

RETAIL PRICE: $25.00 USD Available for purchase on

Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment Companion Products:

Ten Recommandments Contemplation Journal by Dana Sardano

After writing Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment, Dana Sardano quickly realized that sometimes reading the information just isn’t enough. In order to truly effect positive change in your life, you must integrate and apply the information that you’ve learned, and one of the best ways to do that is through interactive writing.

With this newfound insight, Dana put on her teacher hat and created this Ten Recommandments Contemplation Journal to utilize in conjunction with the book. In this journal, Dana offers some guidance by adding open ended questions to assist with your contemplation. She includes some practice exercises to assist you with your integration. She throws in some “hot tips” to keep it interesting, and she wraps it up with a beautiful bow of insightful quotes. Ready to effect some positive changes in your life? Grab yourself a pencil!

RETAIL PRICE: $9.99 USD Downloadable PDF is available for purchase on

Ten Recommandments Cards for Personal Empowerment include 48 oversized cards that include Dana’s insightful Recommandments, daily affirmations, inspirational quotes, ‘how to’ exercises, and additional informational text. These easy to use cards utilized in conjunction with or independent of the book, offer the perfect jolt of wisdom and inspiration to assist you in your pursuit for your daily practice of personal empowerment.

Ten Recommandments Cards for Personal Empowerment by Dana Sardano

RETAIL PRICE: $36.00 USD Available for purchase on

We all have a story to tell,

and through our storytelling,

we connect on a soul-to-soul level.

Ready to connect?

Ready to tell YOUR story?

Ready to become a phenom?